Barrier Installation Success

Barrier Installation Success

RDS-6000 Double Barrier Installation Success

This week seen the completion of a new double barrier installation for a very important client of ours.

Our client had been toying with the idea of replacing their ageing barrier for some time, with increased breakdowns and repair bills spiralling out of control the time finally came for a full replacement.

The existing barrier was a CAME single acting boom arm barrier system that spanned the full width of the site entrance, this had been in place for little over 4 years but due to poor specification from the previous barrier/gate contractor the boom arm length would often buckle and succumb to damage during poor weather conditions and in times of high winds it was a constant source of trouble for the client.

Opting for The RDS-6000 barrier and using a double barrier system that split the entrance width eradicated the dilemma of the boom being subjected to high wind damage, giving them that piece of mind that the site was secure and the product was fit for purpose and had been specified specifically for their operational requirement.

As extras the customer also choose to have a new floor activation loop cut into the entrance way complete with safety zone. For added safety each boom arm comes complete with a soft edge safety device so for any reason should the boom come down on an object it will return to it ‘s and also has a Red & Green LED flashing lights working as a traffic light system.

Paul Arrowsmith, RDS’s Automatic Door/Gate & Barrier Service Manager, had this to say about the recent installation “Having dealt with the customer from day one, my initial intention was to understand how the site worked and ensure what we supplied was the right product for the right application. It seemed absurd that the customer had such a huge barrier spanning the full width of the entrance and that throughout all the years of repairs and damages nobody could identify the reasons why and give the customer a solution for long term fix. I suggested a double barrier option to the client and explained the advantages of the product and also gave them the options for additional equipment that would aid their operation. The installation took our teams a little over 2 days to complete this includes commissioning. The added features of LED traffic lights within the booms will be a huge benefit to the customer in managing their traffic flow and also reduce impact damages and combined with a double barrier solution the customer knew that adverse weather would no longer be an issue, the customer was delighted with the end result and we are currently working on projects for other sites”.


Barrier Installation Birmingham

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Kings Norton Business Centre
Birmingham, B30 3HX