40 Years of RDS – A Letter from Our CEO

40 Years of RDS – A Letter from Our CEO

40 Years of RDS – A Letter from Our CEO

One thing was for certain this industry was in my blood. My dad had successfully managed Bolton Gate Company for many years; during that time, many family members had successfully created their own prospects, which proves that once you’re in the chances are, you’re in for good. It is something I’m sure you all feel at some point.

My role model was my dad; I watched him for many years dedicate 100% of his life to ‘the empire’ even well beyond his retirement age; his passion was his work, and even at his ripe old age, he would want to come to work with me to keep his hand in and to keep himself moving.

My mom was my grounding person; she ensured that my feet stayed firmly on the ground as long as she could; I was very lucky to have had these people in my life, and I still believe their watchful eyes are still watching over me every step of the way.

After leaving school and with the added benefit of my family working in this industry with a company known as ‘the empire’, my dad suggested I do an apprenticeship. I started my apprenticeship at 16 and finished at 21.

In 1983 I decided that this was the year. I hated working for Bolton Gate, which Tarmac had now taken over, so I decided that the time had come, and with the help of my cousin, who gave me £250 to paint their garage and a Datsun van, I was up and running. Things were tough; I remember my 1st Lloyds bank manager agreeing to a £200 overdraft with a guarantee which was my cousin once more.

Once I had started to gather speed and get some regular work, I knew I would never be able to look back only forward; RDS grew quickly, we became a limited company, and things started to accelerate.

Along the way, I have made some great contacts who supported me through those early days and have become friends as well as colleagues, so I personally thank you all.

I thank you all for your loyalty and support shown to RDS throughout our 40 years of trading; we have some great suppliers & trade partners who have been a constant source of support as we have grown. Thank you to every single person who continues to play a part in RDS’s successes.

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86 Melchett Road
Kings Norton Business Centre
Birmingham, B30 3HX